Non-Ablative Rejuvenation

Non ablative rejuvenation is carried by Nd:YAG laser in the clinic.

How it works:

In this process, cooling of the epidermis allows for laser energy heat-induced injury to the dermis without ablation of the epidermal layer. This stimulates collagen synthesis, which over time, improves skin texture and tone.

Important points:

  1. It is less effective than an ablative laser such as carbondioxide laser, but it is less invasive and the recovery time is less.

  2. Risk of Side effects such as infection, pigmentary changes, mild swelling and redness, acne flare up, etc is minimal.

  3. All skin types can be treated.

  4. Sessions are spaced at 2-4 weeks intervals, and number of sessions depend on the condition being treated. Good sun protection must be practiced.

Non-Ablative Rejuvenation